Geopathic Stress
Geopathology is a science dealing with pathologic (sickening, harmful) energies emitted from the earth, interfering with healthy cell metabolism in our body. Here are some key points:
- Mainly occurs from natural sources but can also be caused by man-made electromagnetic devices like cell phones, computers, and power lines.
- European research over nearly a century highlights its significance in long-term and chronic health challenges.
- Over 85% of cancer patients have experienced regular exposure to geopathic stress.
- Sleeping disorders, nightmares.
- Children falling out of beds.
- Feeling worn-out and tired in the morning.
- Chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Rheumatic pains, fibromyalgia.
- Autonomic disorders like sweating, freezing, dermographism.
- Arrhythmias.
- Migraines, tension headaches.
- Muscle cramps, myogelosis.
- No progress despite proper treatment.
- Secondary infertility, hormonal disorders.
- Frequent miscarriages.
- Difficulties learning and concentrating, especially in children like in ADD.
- Complaints without somatic cause.
Types of Geopathic Stress:
- Underground watercourses: Drain bioenergetic fields, affecting sleep and health regardless of depth or elevation.
- Earth grid systems: Consist of energetic walls, extend deep into the earth and miles above the surface.
- Geologic fractures: Natural earth faultlines, also caused by blasting or quarrying, including vortexes.